The scientific research

One of the ambitions of Paris-Saclay University is to become an unmissable place for the Scientific research. We will present here different initiatives implemented.

Here are some research institutes located on the Plateau de Saclay


The “commissariat à l’énergie atomique” (research center for atomic energy) is located near the Moulon district within the University Paris Saclay campus. It is a major French research institute with 5 billions annual budget and more than 20 000 employees. Its research works concern energy, health and information technologies. It owns other buildings all other France.  


The Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques de Paris-Saclay (Paris Saclay High Scientific Studies Institute) is a research Institute in mathematica and fondamental physics. It offers to scientists from all over the world a place where they can be totally focused on their research works without any teaching or administrative obligations. We give one figure which attests of the quality of the Institute, 7 out of 10 permanent researchers have received a Field medal…


The Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Paris-Saclay (Paris Saclay Observatory of Universe science) is a research Institute in charge of spatial observations and research about cosmics Physics. The observatory hosts sometimes other scientists and astronomers.